
File System

The File System connector us used to return a file list from a directory on either a local drive or a remote drive via UNC file share.

The File System connector can also return File Data and when connected to a similar provider will write file data.

The following connectors can be used with the File System connector to write file data.

  • SharePoint Document Library
  • SQL Server Table with Blob Column configuration.
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage

Do not used Mapped Drives with Scheduled Tasks or Ouvvi since they require a loaded user profile which is not available with Scheduled Tasks or Ouvvi.


Connect to File System


The Folder Path to begin returning the file list.


Include sub folders in the search result


Return paths with forward slashes / rather than back slashes \


Only return files with Windows filter file pattern i.e. *.*, *.txt, Report*.csv


Regular expression to exclude files from the results. Multiple expressions can be validated with a ; between each one.


A Hash Algorithm to run on the file data to get a file checksum or Hash.

  • CRC32
  • SHA1
  • MD5

Can be used with Azure and AWS S3 to detect file data changes when the hash value changes.


Return only files that have been modified since this value.


Below is the Data Schema that Data Sync returns for the File System Connector. The actual file data is not part of the schema and is read when required during the Synchronisation operation.

Column DataType Description
FullFileName String The full relative path to the item including filename.
Path String The full relative path to the item.
FileName String The filename of the item.
DateCreated DateTime Date Created UTC
DateModified DateTime Date Modified UTC
Length Int64 The Length/Size of the file in bytes.
Checksum String The CRC32/MD5/SHA1 hash/checksum of the file.